Drew's Story - under construction

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Beyond Our Grasp

We walked along the path still lined with snow up to General Grant. Tall, broad, and towering above all of us at 268 feet tall, with a forty-foot maximum diameter. Its estimated age is 1,700 years old. This magnificent tree is the second largest in the world. Josh, Molly, and I stood under the giant sequoia at Kings Canyon National Park in disbelief. 

Maybe disbelief isn't exactly the right word. We read the sign, saw with our eyes the General, but couldn't really grasp it. 

Our limited perception couldn't seem to hold the magnitude of this big tree. We walked around it, got photos from all angles. It was quiet for how many people were standing in the forest looking at this one tree. I think we all were wrestling with the same feeling.

We continued to walk around the paths of the sequoia grove. Even the "small" sequoias making us feel like we were in Honey I Shrunk the Kids, it almost didn't feel real. 

On the drive home we talked about how it felt to stand by the great trees we had been so excited to see. Realizing you can't fully grasp the size of the trees left us frustrated in a way. Like we missed out on the full experience because our capacity was too small to hold it all.

A similar feeling came over me as we stood at the bottom of Bridalveil Fall in Yosemite this month. We saw it from above as we entered the famous Yosemite Valley. Our anticipation grew as we approached the waterfall from the parking lot and along the path.

The mist got heavier and thicker as we got closer and closer to the base. It was hard to get pictures as the lens would get wet from the suspended water. Six hundred and thirteen feet tall. An average width of 35 feet. Incredible! How many gallons of water pour through this waterfall each second? Again, it was hard to grasp, nearly impossible to wrap my mind around the enormity.

Yosemite was full of more awe-inspiring sights. Yosemite Falls, Half Dome, El Capitan, the perfect reflection in Mirror Lake. It was breathtaking, it really was. 

The ocean has the same effect and is one of the many reasons we love to cruise. Looking out at the vast blue ocean, knowing your eyes can only take in a small percentage of the tremendous volume of water you're surrounded by.

Life is full of these encounters with the remarkable, and they aren't all physical. The experience of a major life event--graduations, weddings, and births. Diagnosis, moves, and deaths. We all can relate to the awe of the moment whether good or bad. How it doesn't feel real, like we're just going through the motions. Our minds can't wrap around the magnitude of what is happening in front of our eyes. We recognize the importance, the giant occasion in our lives towering over the ordinary, but can't fully grasp it. The profound leaves us stunned just like I was under General Grant.

This feeling can be thrilling, to be in the midst of something so much bigger than you. Many chase the opportunity to be overwhelmed by the larger-than-life. To be dwarfed by the magnitude of something great. It's humbling, and ironically puts things into perspective despite not being able to fit into our limited perspective. Which can be kind of scary, too. Difficult to trust in God when you lack complete understanding, when you are aware of your inability to fully comprehend what is happening around you.

I think it's a yearning that God put into us. A level of awareness that we reach for but will never fully achieve. Because it's Him we ultimately stand in awe of. Him who caused that little seed to grow into the giant tree. God who formed the cliffs and pushes the water over the edge for us to be mesmerized by. On the third day, it was God who created the oceans all over earth. It's His perfect plan that dictates the events of our lives, and the presence of His Spirit in the big moments along the way.

Whether we realize it or not, it's His glory we stand in awe of in these mind-blowing displays of His power.

It's another aspect of Heaven we can look forward to. The thrill of witnessing and experiencing God's power, but without the frustration of not being able to fully grasp it. As the bible says: 

For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I have been fully known. 1 Corinthians 13:12

We know from our experiences that our perception is veiled in this life. Yet, we have glimpses that cause us to look forward to the day we can know fully. What an amazing day that will be! And what hope it gives us for our loved ones already there. How wonderful that my Drew gets to be surrounded by God's glory and have the ability to take in every aspect of it. To sit in awe at His power without any fear. I can't wait to join you, sweet boy.

We've been in California for six months now. Crazy how fast time goes. We're really enjoying not just the amazing outdoors here, but all the California vibes. Palm tree lined walks, amazing weather basically since we've been here, and really great sushi!

The diversity is different here, a new variety of people than other places we've lived, which is really neat. The fruit stands at the corner are there year-round selling citrus fruits, strawberries, and cherries so far. Can't wait to see what's in season next!

We had a front row seat for the famous Almond Bloom in the central valley this spring. There were many different blossoms to marvel at in the many orchards around our area. It was beautiful! 

We had a California Spring Break, driving to LA for a day at Disneyland and then getting on a short cruise that took us to Catalina Island and Baja California. It was great to see and be on the Pacific Ocean again!

Everyone keeps warning us about how brutal summer is here. But I tell them I'm not scared. I lived in Minnesota for 10 years and got through some pretty brutal winters, I think I can handle the heat. Thank God for air conditioning! 

Besides, we have plans to take in more of this state's natural and man-made wonders. We also are looking forward to visits back to Colorado and to the Midwest to see family and friends. Molly and I will do another Warrior Wagons tour to connect with our coordinators and hospitals before school starts up again.

I'm sure the next six months will fly by just as fast as these last have. And each time I'm overwhelmed by the feeling of something much bigger than me, I'll praise God. For His awesome power and love for me and my family. I'll try not to let it frustrate me, but look forward to when I can fully grasp it all, with all the people I love 💖