Drew's Story - under construction

Tuesday, March 9, 2021

The Dove's Call

Hoo-hoo, hooo!  The dove is a bird that I wasn't used to seeing all that often just flying around in the wild back in the Midwest. But in our part of Colorado at least, they're everywhere! Their unique call we noticed right away last summer as we spent the first few nights on our patio, and afternoons out in our kiddie pool. Snickers the cat seemed to notice them too. He'd sit at the window, watching them on the top of the playset, which is eye level from our upper level bedroom window, with his mouth open doing that cat chatter at them.  

I don't know if I really noticed when their call became missing from the outdoor sounds this winter.  Not sure if I even realized they were gone during the last few cold weather months.  But man, in the last week, I am so glad to have them back!  Hoo-hoo, hoooo....it's a welcome sound coming through the windows that haven't been opened since November. 

 Josh and I have the same debate every spring on the first warm day of the year. When 60 degrees never felt so good, the snow is melting and the sun is warm, I always point out that it's because of the recent winter that the day feels so much better.  That if it wasn't for the cold, dark months we just went through, this first day of warm sunny weather wouldn't feel so good. 

We had this annual conversation this week, as we got our first real taste of spring.  And as always, he disagrees.  Saying he would like 60 and sunny no matter what, and doesn't need winter to fully enjoy it.  

Out here in Colorado, my point isn't quite as strong, as the winters aren't nearly as long and hard as back in Minnesota.  But still, it hasn't been in the 60s for months.  And I maintain that the glorious feeling we are filled with this week exists because of the winter blues experienced most recently.

And I'm relishing in the nice weather. My senses were overwhelmed as I sat out on the patio over the weekend.  The birds (including those doves) were almost obnoxious in their songs, filling the air.  The windchime we put out again at this house, clanging it's chords at the perfect level.  

There was a bit of smoke in the air, not the forest-fire-haze variety we experienced last summer, but instead a pleasant distant yard waste burn from someone getting a jump start on spring clean up. And the warm sun (even warmer out here at 5,000 ft!) felt so, so great on my face and arms.  The breeze that still had a small chill in it almost brought goosebumps, counteracting--no, balancing--the warm sunshine.

I sat there thinking about how delightful it all added up to.  Spring in the air.  I started thinking about how I could refresh the patio area, began planning out yard work/landscaping ideas, and looking forward to warm weather things--backyard fires and swimming pools. Soon, I found myself sitting there with big smile on my face...

I think this spring in particular feels so much better after the long winter we just came through.  This week marks one year since the first lockdowns.  The beginning of the COVID pandemic, and many of our worlds were turned upside down. It was the hardest year some have experienced in a while, testing us in many ways. Some areas of our lives withstood the strain--and actually ended up stronger after a year.  Some did not, and we may still be trying to figure out where to go from here. 

As the vaccines start to get out, states are moving forward from pandemic protocols and precautions to a more familiar atmosphere. Activities are beginning to resume, plans are being made again for celebrations and travel. 

We are daring to believe that we might be over the hump here, that things are really going to get better. The light at the end of the tunnel is getting brighter, and the optimism and hope feels so refreshing.

That's how it is here anyway.  I finally need a planner again, as I have enough presentations, calls, meet ups, and appointments that I can't just keep track of it all in my head. 

I've given 4 virtual presentations this year already, with 2 more next week!

Molly's rockin' in school, and I'm also back to a regular gym routine which always feels so great. Josh is at least talking about when they may go back to the office too, fingers crossed! We're hesitantly optimistic that our cruise we've moved 3 times may actually happen this coming June. And even though we've explored a lot on a few road trips in the last year, we're starting to make a list of new things we can explore and try out right here now that things are more open. We haven't done much in Denver yet!

Would having a planner again, going on a cruise feel as good if we didn't just spend a year with such things on hold? Would simply the thought of being able to attend concerts, celebrate milestones with family, or participate in activities be as appreciated if we didn't just have a year without them?  I'd argue not as much as this year. In like fashion of that first 60 degree day in spring, it feels more glorious right now, because of the season we just went through.

Yes, I'd say there's more than just warmth in the air in the last few weeks, there's also hope. Hope that we won't have to go without the things we've missed in the last year anymore. Things like seeing stranger's smiles at the grocery store, greeting our friends with a hug, if that's your sort of thing 😉  Just like like the dove's call, we may not have even realized we missed some things, but when we hear it again, we'll be filled with a peace, a joy, that winter is on the way out, and this is just the start of many nice days to come.

Now, as any Minnesotan will tell you, the first 60 degree day doesn't mean we're done with winter just yet.  There will inevitably be some cold, snowy days still to come before we are in the backyard pool with a Summer Shandy (In Colorado too--a big snow storm is in the forecast for the weekend!). But it's a start.  It gives us a tease, something to look forward to as we endure a few more days when we need our coats and boots.

Just as it is with life.  Things looking up, the light getting brighter at the end of the tunnel, doesn't mean we're through the darkness totally.  There will be setbacks, new trials to endure, but we have the same hope and motivation to keep pressing forward. And then to stop and savor the comfort and peace of a more familiar way to do life--just like I delighted my senses last Saturday afternoon on my patio.

I can't end a post about spring and hope without talking about Heaven. This relief we feel, this glorious return of warm weather after winter, I believe to be just a taste of what it will feel like when we step into our Eternal Home.  How amazing it will feel indeed when we reach the ultimate joy and never-ending peace that awaits us after this lifetime of winters and springs, hardships and vacations is behind us.  Bring on the day!

And my Drewy will be there to greet me.  He's already there. Basking in the warmth and light of the full glory of Jesus.  Save me a lounge chair little buddy...I'm coming some day 😊

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