But it didn't. The longer we waited around, we realized it wasn't coming back on right away. Outside, we noticed first one backyard neighbor come out on his deck and look around, and then another. Josh went out and confirmed that they were without power too. I texted my friends across the street and they had power, so it must have been just our side of the block.
I continued to clean up the kitchen while Josh and Molly were outside. My sink filled with soapy water, I went to work and watched out the window as more and more families came outside. It was a beautiful night--maybe a bit chilly, but still a warm springy night--it's kind of funny no one was out before! Some houses I didn't even know had kids, but apparently do, because I counted 3 out in the yard playing with their dog.
Without wifi and power, it was amazing how quickly the backyards seemed to be hopping with families playing games, and kids swinging on swing sets. Funny how that is, right? Now, this isn't a post about limiting screen time, or the evils of technology, don't worry. I was convicted here since Molly would have been inside on her tablet too if it wasn't for the outage. It was a good reality check--are we too glued to our devices to enjoy a nice evening together?
Anyway, it remained off as it started to get dark. As the sun gradually set, the darkness seemed to creep in and slowly fill in the light. We all began to think of what we should do before it got really dark if the power stayed off. We told Molly to go brush her teeth and I decided to shower too before it got dark.
As I was in the shower, I thought about how we were trying to beat the darkness. Our bathroom window is the only West facing window in our whole house, so that room was the brightest with the last rays of sunshine. We take for granted the sunlight, it doesn't even matter if its light outside or not with electricity. #firstworldlife I guess...
I came back downstairs and I was amazed how dark it had gotten in the time I was gone. When the darkness creeps in gradually, you don't realize how dark it has become. But when you miss 20 minutes of the transition it seems so much darker.
So next we searched for our flashlights and batteries while we could still find them (the Becker house needs to be better prepared!). As we were messing with flashlights and stealing batteries from working devices, I remembered candles. Duh! I lit a big 3 wick one a friend had sent me for my birthday. And there it was--light! Amazing how this candle just lit up the room, driving out the darkness.
I thought how interesting it is that if it was already bright, the candle's glow would hardly even be noticeable. But in the darkness, it illuminated the room.
Easter is almost here. One of my favorites. (Who am I kidding? I love all holidays.) Maybe it's because spring finally breaks around Easter that makes it so exciting, aside from the obvious importance in our faith. The grass turns green and trees start to bud, it's just such a refreshing time, full of energy and new life.
We have so many great memories from Easter weekend, and treasure the three years we were lucky enough to have with Drew.
Thinking about that candle the other night has really reminded me of the great truth about himself Jesus shared: "I am the light of the world" (John 8:12). It is a concept that is brought up throughout the Bible, Jesus being the light that drives out the darkness. I know this isn't the first piece written about the picture of Jesus as the candle in a dark room, but its such a great visual and one that is now fresh in my mind after the power outage. I've been singing the children's song, "This little light of mine, I'm going to let it shine..." all week 😊
But really, once we lit that candle, the room came to life again. Existed again from out of the darkness. We could now do things once more, with it's light. We could function--but only with the glow the candle gave off. We were totally at the mercy of output of the flame.
I thought about how we didn't even realize how dark it was getting, until we couldn't see. In life, how slowly and gradually the Light dims too if we don't tend to it. We don't even notice until a crisis happens, our world is shaken, and we realize how lost we are. Suddenly we become aware of how far away we've gotten from the Light.
We all are guilty--we get distracted, careless. We take for granted the Light that allows us to function, and don't appreciate it until it's seemingly gone. But that's just it, it's never gone! The Light that is Jesus is there for anyone to have, and can be used by all to see. He brings back to life the things the darkness of this world hides from us--like joy, hope and peace. I know He does for me, every day.
And there's more good news! We can have this Light with us wherever we go! We just have to ask for it. To accept it, and it's ours. Never to be in the dark again. "Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path". (Psalm 119:105). We can even share it with others, so they too can have the Light with them. And it won't take anything away from our own! Isn't that great?
All because He chose the Cross, which we remember tomorrow on Good Friday. The Light was momentarily darkened, but shone brighter than ever 3 days later--never to be dimmed again. Hallelujah! Something to celebrate indeed.
I love how God reveals himself to us in so many different ways, IF we're paying attention. Like last week when we were temporarily in the dark. Reminding me just in time for Easter of the wonderful truth that He is the Light that the darkness could not extinguish, as hard as it tried.
Happy Easter everyone. Let's celebrate the Light of the world together, and rejoice that death has no victory in my family or in yours because of Jesus!
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